3 years ago

Born on October 24, 1955, in Tenterfield, Australia, Katherine was the result of an affair between her mother, Barbara Roughan, and her father, Ken Knight.
Barbara was already a mother of four boys with another man, and lived in the small town of Aberdeen in New South Wales' Hunter Valley, but she then met Ken, a friend and co worker of her husband. When their secret affair came to light, it rocked the whole town and they were forced to move out of Aberdeen, so they settled in Moree.

Barbara's great-grandmother was an Indigenous Australian from the Moree area who married an Irishman. Barbara was proud of this fact and identified as Aboriginal. This was kept a family secret, as there was considerable racism in the area at the time, and this was a source of tension for the children.
Apart from her twin sister, the only person whom Katherine was close to was her uncle, Oscar Knight, who was a champion horseman. She was devastated when he committed suicide in 1969 and continues to maintain that his ghost visits her. The family moved back to Aberdeen the same year.
Following this start, Katherine’s childhood didn’t get much better. Her father was a violent alcoholic who raped her mother multiple times a day. Katherine herself claims she was sexually assaulted by several family members until the age of 11, but not by her father.
In school, Katherine was known as a bully who terrorized smaller children. Without ever learning how to read or write, she quit at the age of 15 to work at a clothing factory. A year later, she landed her “dream job” at a slaughterhouse cutting out the internal organs of animals.
According to Journalist Peter Lalor, Katherine loved her job so much that she hung her first set of butcher’s knives over her bed — just in case she ever needed them.
While working in the butcher shop, Katherine meets David Kellett, an alcoholic, much like her father . Used to this kind of violence, Katherine surprised her new boyfrined when she joined in on one of his drunken fights.
He soon realized, however, that KAtherine was capable of doing more than just a little damage with her fists. Very soon, he found himself being dominated by her.
In 1974, she convinced him to marry her. He was heavily drunk the entire time and her mother even warned him about her daughter’s temper, saying that Katherine had a loose screw.
On their wedding night, Katherine and David consummated their marriage three times. When he fell asleep, she wanted a fourth round and had an issue with her new husband’s exhaustion, so she started to strangle him.
David woke up and managed to fight her off and although she tried to kill him only one day into their marriage, the relationship lasted for 10 more years. The marriage was, however, far from perfect.

David was often unfaithful, and one time he even left his wife and their two daughters in the middle of the night.
After discovering one of David’s affairs, Katherine placed their two-month-old infant on the local train tracks shortly before a train was due . Luckily the train didn’t come and the baby was spared. She also threatened several people with a stolen ax.
Katherine was also diagnosed with postnatal depression after witnesses saw her violently pushing and swinging her second child in a stroller down a busy street.

#katherineknight #johnprice #cannibal

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I don’t mean to be disrespectful to anyone I talk about in this video and this video is for educational purposes only, and everything I am about to say is information I gathered online and put together in one video. From the video you are more than welcome to draw your own conclusions . Thank you !


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