NBC: Mecklenburg County loaned $350,000 to delinquent taxpayers

4 years ago

When Mecklenburg County loaned millions of dollars to area small businesses, a WCNC Charlotte investigation found the county unknowingly gave more than $350,000 in low-interest loans to delinquent taxpayers in the process.

OpenTheBooks CEO/Founder Adam Andrzejewski joined the discussion. "Certainly, there's a lack of control on this program," OpenTheBooks.com Founder and CEO Adam Andrzejewski said. "It's troubling. It's a troubling fact pattern."

Original article: https://www.wcnc.com/article/money/mecklenburg-county-loaned-350000-delinquent-taxpayers/275-a4add2ab-0a67-489c-a8aa-799a405b94fc

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