The Benefits Of Using A Keypad Door Entry

2 years ago

A growing number of people have made the switch from doorknobs to keypad locks, and for good reasons. If you've been thinking about making the change but aren't sure if a keypad door entry systems worth it, consider these advantages of using a keypad lock before making a decision.

One of the major benefits of keypad locks is convenience. They eliminate the need for keys. There's no need to carry them around, change locks when a key is misplaced or stolen, or keep track of copies and spares. Another benefit is higher security than other locks. A keypad door entry from C Prox Ltd Including Quantek has a better hardware design than previous types of locks. They don't have cylinder mechanisms, which means they cannot be jolted or picked like traditional locks, keeping the property secure.

Finally, a keypad door entry has improved durability. Traditional keys and locks wear down with time. Conversely, keypads are far long-lasting than traditional locks. With standard hardware, a good keypad system should last longer. With all of these advantages, purchasing a keypad door entry system is worth considering for boosting and updating your home's security.

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