Q&A Special - THE RETURN OF THE SEEDERS / Oct 13 2021

3 years ago

What is happening at the edge of our solar system?... ground-breaking news.
---Dr. Michael Salla's video: https://youtu.be/dauvoQs4T7s
---Dr. michael Salla's article: https://exopolitics.org/earth-alliance-mission-to-ganymede-to-greet-et-visitors-inaugurate-a-star-trek-future/

---"Samhain - the roots of Halloween" by Luke Eastwood, with my beautiful illustrations, perfect gift for Halloween time: https://lukeeastwood.com/books/samhain-the-roots-of-halloween

---"The new Human " by Mary Rodwell: https://www.alienlady.com/shop

---"The US Navy's Secret Space Programs" by Dr. Michael Salla PhD: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-E-Salla/e/B001HQ3F6C?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_12&qid=1633066637&sr=1-12

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