A Slow Living Self Care Day During Troubled Times

2 years ago

Hello my lovelies and welcome back. It's finally time to take a slow self care day at home and enjoy some pampering time. I'm excited to show you my homemade recipe for making my own body butter to naturally treat dry skin and follow up with some natural haircare and heatless styling techniques.

A little more about making my own skincare products:
I am in love with tallow ever since being introduced to it last year. This nourishing ingredient is perfect for use as a hydrating, deeply moisturizing body butter and leaves your skin feeling soft and replenished after use. Perfect for self care in winter when our skin is dry and sometimes wind-chapped or cracked, this body butter recipe also contains raw cocoa butter containing a high amount of fatty acids which hydrates the skin and creates a protective barrier that holds in moisture and prevents your skin from drying.

Moisturizing Tallow Body Butter Recipe:
Ingredients -
1 c. Grass-fed beef tallow: https://www.iherb.com/pr/epic-bar-gra...
1/4 c. raw cocoa butter: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Organic-Co...
1 T. beeswax: https://www.etsy.com/listing/16416083...
8-10 drops of essential oil, I used vanilla: https://usa.calianatural.com/products...

1.) In a saucepan, combine tallow, cocoa butter, and beeswax stir frequently until thoroughly melted and blended together.
2.) Remove the saucepan from heat and allow this mixture to sit until room temperature (app. 30-40 minutes).
3.) Add your drops of essential oil before using a hand mixer to whip the fat until it turns into a thick, rich body butter consistency.
4.) Carefully pour into a clean glass jar of choice. Place in the refrigerator to cool and solidify. Store in a cool, dark place (Lasts up to 6 months at room temperature, lasts a year+ when refrigerated).

https://www.instagram.com/ /?hl=en

Why I Prefer Rural Living: https://rumble.com/v16vlgz-why-i-prefer-rural-living-a-slow-day-around-the-homestead.html

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A Slow Self Care Day at Home│a day at home self care│natural pamper routine at home│making my own body butter│naturally treat dry skin│self care naturally│slow living day│romantic lifestyle│slow living lifestyle vlog│cozy daily vlog│making my own skincare products

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