Stock Market, Fake Milk, Fake Meat part 2

2 years ago

I apologize as my camera shut off- so this is the part 2
but from the part 1- Before the camera shut off, I was showing
information in that document of the State Senate Hearing Committee (Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents) (1975)

Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents

Regarding the "shellfish" toxins and here are just just a few quotes, as "shellfish toxins" were mentioned over 250 times.
This is what I was explaining before getting cut off:
You can find more information regarding these lethal poisons which the president (Nixon) stated were okay to be used for research, experiments and inoculations... (do we really know what's in the recent EXPERIMENTAL Gene Therapy shots???)

a few examples:
"Exhibit No. 3 consists of two documents, each one page long, dated February 18, 1970, and titled “Paralytic Shellfish Poison—Working Fund Investigations.” 3

Page n9

The specific subject today concerns CIA’s involvement in the development of bacteriological warfare materials with the Army’s Biological Laboratory at Fort Detrick, CIA’s retention of an amount of shellfish toxin, and CIA’s use and investigation of various chemicals and drugs.

Page n10

ounce—of shellfish toxin, and 8 milligrams of cobra venom, were discovered in a little-used vaulted storeroom in an Agency building
My video- part 1 Stock market, fake milk, fake meat, part 1

Sharon Fima FEMA?? milk

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