The English Constitution Party petition to Her Majesty the Queen

2 years ago

To The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council

The Humble Petition of The English Constitution Party

Sheweth as follows:-

This Petition is submitted on the authority of a unanimous resolution by the members of the
English Constitution Party executive committee (hereinafter referred to as ECP) on behalf of its members passed on 12th June 2022.

YOUR PETITIONERS therefore most humbly pray that Your Majesty may be graciously pleased in the exercise of Your Royal Prerogative to grant an English National referendum on voiding the Act(s) of Union and returning [restoring, restoration of England] England to self-rule and self-determination for the English to Your Petitioners in the terms of the draft herewith submitted. And Your Petitioners will ever pray, etc. Dated this 12th day of June 2022.

1. Scotland has had two National Referendums on Scottish independence and England has had no referendum on English Independence, self-determination.
a. Contrary to International law the British establishment and the British head of state have discriminated against the English people – Self-determination.
b. The British parliament and crown ratified ECHR’s Protocol 1, Article 3 and
c. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) article 1, [1.1,1.2,1.3] and
d. We also rely on the United Nations Resolution (61/295) (Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) and
e. A Meeting of Experts on Further Study of the Rights of Peoples, convened by UNESCO in 1990, agreed that a people for the purposes of the rights of peoples in international law, including the right of self-determination, has the following characteristics: It is a group of individual human beings who enjoy some or all of the following
common features:
(i) a common historical tradition; [England, A country since 927]

(ii) racial or ethnic identity; [English Indigenous to England from English tribes and Kingdoms prior to 927, The term ‘Heptarchy’ seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, usually enumerated as: East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex, and Wessex.]

(iii) cultural homogeneity; [Yes]

(iv) linguistic unity; [Yes, English language]

(v) religious or ideological affinity; [Yes, Christian, Church of England]

(vi) territorial connection; [yes] and

(vii) common economic life. [Yes]
2. The group must be of a certain number, which need not be large (e.g. the people of micro states) but must be more than a mere association of individuals within a state. [Yes, See 2011 Census English only National Identity 32.4m 57%)
3. The group as a whole must have the will to be identified as a people or the consciousness of being a people – allowing that groups or some members of such groups, though sharing the foregoing characteristics, may not have the will or consciousness. [Yes, although denied the right by the British state, media and judiciary]
4. Possibly, the group should have institutions or other means of expressing its common characteristics and will for identity.” [Yes, but stolen by the British state]
f. Contrary to domestic British discrimination laws, Equality Act 2010 and amendments.

2. The British establishment, parliament and its media including Ofcom actively oppress and suppress all mention of English independence and English culture.
3. All national parties are funded by the British establishment except for English national parties, SNP receive £1.2 m, Plaid Cymru £256k, Sinn Fein who bombed England receives £166k a year of public funds.
4. Her Majesty recently intervened [8th June 2022 by proclamation] in the BVI (British Virgin Islands) with numerous mentions of self-determination and self-rule for the BVI in the inquiry report.
5. Every colony of the British empire is considered for self-determination except England. There have been many wars of independence and to circumvent the violence of war petition rights and universal rights of self-determination were globally adopted.
6. The voiding of the Act(s) of union would be to void the formation of a supra national state “A British political union” that is now so detrimental to the English nation and its indigenous population, that England has ceased to exist. The Regionalisation of England and erasure of English common law, constitutional rights and English counties is in direct conflict with international law. The petitioned referendum would not affect the union of the crowns or the monarchy, in fact it would strengthen the English tradition of a monarchy and restore the monarchies power to protect the people. Unless, in the future the English decide otherwise. We as the ECP think this unlikely as the English are traditionists.
7. Our petition is in effect for a restoration of England.
Graham Moore Petitioner for and behalf of ECP

Enquiry report:


The English deserve an Independence vote. The cessation of regionalisation and restoration of England and her parliament.

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