Honor gay brethren NOT deceptive Pride, Fruit of a rotten tree. Jasher: the Wheat Harvest in 5782

2 years ago

My YouTube channel is still locked down, so this is going on Rumble. I must be onto something the beast didn't want others to hear, because over never had this much difficulty making a video. Garbled speech, edits I didn't make, or outright didn't save forcing me to rebuild several assets. (But then I do use a Google phone, and didn't Google A.I. become self aware last week according to the Huffington Post?)

We need to honor our gay brethren but honoring them doesn't mean we need to honor Pride. As Christians we are not to judge because we are not worthy to judge. But we can judge a tree by its fruit.

I got this cover pic from a "Gay Christian Dating" site. Satan has tricked our gay brothers and sisters, embedding pride in their specific sin, almost making a religion out of Pride itself. We are to pray for them for they are God's creations just as you and I are. But unlike other sins they've been tricked into embracing it publicly while coupling it with the worst sin of them all pride.

Pride seems small and is compared to yeast in scriptures as it puffs up a person's own sense of self and self-worth and it spreads as a culture to infect others and lead them also into the same sin. In the case of the Pride movement Satan has twisted an otherwise forgivable sin deceiving the LGBTQ community (men women and children just as it says in the days of Lot), into being members of the Pride community that hates God thus blocking them from even wanting to hear about how they can be saved. God created them, Jesus died for and forgives us of our sins if we accept Him, but since they won't hear it they will die in their ignorance. This has zero to do with them being gay because being gay is just another sin that can be forgiven. Like alcoholism or lying etc. The difference is the Pride aspect which they've adopted. It's literally "do what thou wilt".

The Bible says to come to Jesus as you are. The only thing that must change is your belief in Him and once you have that change of heart, or metanoia in Greek, then hold on to what you have. That's it. No extra works. Jesus did all the work.

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