A Brief Introduction to Sāṃkhya Darshana

4 years ago

Join me in this monologue as I explore the origins, epistemology, scriptural pieces of evidence, and the duality aspect of the Sāṃkhya Darshana.

Sāṃkhya is one of the schools of thought in Indian philosophy. It is strongly dualistic and regards the universe as consisting of two independent realities: puruṣa ('consciousness') and prakṛti ('matter'). These two realities exist parallel without affecting each other. It is deeply deterministic as well. It is sometimes described as one of the rationalist schools of Indian philosophy. It is traditionally viewed as a theistic philosophy as it accepts the authority of Vedas.
But does it also have a non-theistic section?
Who founded Samkhya Darshana?
What is the difference between Vedanta and Sāṃkhya?

I answer all these questions in this monologue.


0:00 Intro
3:37 Origins of Samkhya Darshana
5:17 Who founded Samkhya Darshana?
6:21 Mention of Samkhya philosophy in the Rig Veda
7:50 Other places of mention
11:18 Basic Philosophy
16:17 Theory of Causation
25:20 Advaita Vedanta vs Samkhya
25:34 Epistemology of Samkhya
28:37 Pratyakṣa and Pramāṇa
35:25 Five Proofs for the existence of Prakṛiti
36:16 Five Proofs for the existence of Puruṣa
38:40 The Theory of Evolution
44:00 Bondage and Liberation
47:05 Nirishvaravada of Samkhya
50:23 Q&A Session

Link to the last monologue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtuL7YZbr7I

#SamkhyaDarshana #IndianPhilosophy
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