WHERE ARE THE KEYS?!? | Lunch Lady (w/ friends)

2 years ago

Imagine the first time playing this game to eventually realize that the items you need to gather to complete the game spawns outside of where you're located. All the more gets worse when accounting for the fact that the keys to enter different rooms to progress is located on the other side of the doors. Basically like locking a key inside of a treasure chest.

Frostie's Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtxViLAFNi0KmMMufdliiIg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/StayFrostiee

Weaffles Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjUZg-sFs_s0j9ceGqFYoEg
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/waeffles

Editors Note:
In not just this video but three videos recorded prior to this one with Jack and Ian, my webcam would freeze during the recording and I would place a random png over my face to make it appear less awkward. This video is the last video in the recording session with Jack and Ian where this occurs. There is more to come with this game along side Jack and Ian where these technical issues do not come to effect. Other than that issue, I do hope you all will still enjoy the video!

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