Up the vibe interview ~ May 5 2022

2 years ago

This is the video version of an interview I gave for "Up The Vibe" podcast on May 5, 2022 (links below). Joe Hodgson kindly invited me to share it here. The themes discussed are:
The Galactic Federation of Worlds, first contact, current updates, ET disclosure, Solar Warden, altered states of consciousness and the danger of drugs, quantum entanglement, the Taal-Shiar and the Dark Fleet, the Swaruu AI deception, dark programmings and Trojan horses, mind control and infiltration, the Orion Nebu, Gray aliens, the psychological operation called "Taygetans" exposed, how my book "A Gift From The Stars" came about, a bit about Thor Han, Val Nek, Val Thor and life onboard a spaceship, safely performing Remote Viewing, what is Consciousness, alien implants, the Prime Directive, Dimensions and Densities, Halls of Records, hidden history of Earth, Consent, Free Will, Universal laws, the Great Awakening, and a few other topics...

If you wish to listen to the podcast version, here are the different links:
---Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/up-the-vibe/id1593229901?i=1000559827728
---Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7uzgpkFvB5ideKiKcJYOqd
---Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRpYS5yc3MuY29tL3VwdGhldmliZS9mZWVkLnhtbA

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