Feet Tier List - Clever Name Podcast #302

3 years ago

Blake is back from the dead and after his raid on the capitol in America, we have all been inspired to head to Ottawa to see whats happening at the trucker convoy 2022. Howard Stern has lost all credibility by asking the family of Meat Loaf to lie and say he had changed his opinion on covid on his death bed. Blake was shooting guns in the U.S. and we watch the videos. Comrade teaches us more Russian words and we watch russian basketball wrestling. All this and more on this weeks Clever Name Podcast

We are live every Saturday at 4:20 (roughly) on Twitch and Youtube. If we are removed or forced to cut something out of the show all episodes will be available at clevernamepodcast.com in their entirety including 45mins to and Hour of After Show FOR FREE.

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