Soul Speak #49 (Dec 22/20) The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, on Sheep and Goats - Divided Minds. 🐏 🐐

2 years ago

The topic I woke with today is of #marriage and #divorce . For most #christians , the one event we all hope to partake in is the marriage supper of the #lamb .
The chapter in the #bible that touches on both topics is Matthew 25. In it we read of #wedding or marriage, and also "divorce" or #separation .
It seems like in order to partake of the "marriage" we have to first get past the "divorce" or great #judgement and separation of the #sheep and the #goats .
Now all of this is metaphorical and takes place within our #skull (#golgotha ) , where also the #sonofman was crucified. Within our skull are two sheep pens, left and right filled with goats and sheep. To me, this speaks of our dualistic nature, the #doubleminded - ness that keeps us in a state of separation or divorce.

In order to partake of the "marriage" (#union ) , we have to bring our sheep and goats together as one. In other words, dissolve our thinking in terms of "right and wrong" and constant "separating" of values.

The Son of man sitting on His #throne in judgement is YOU , for the #father has given all judgement to the Son (and the Son #jesus judged no man)... so this is our task. It is YOU who will be judging and separating the goats and sheep in your own #mind .

And as long as there are #two distinctions (the middle wall of partition or separation Eph 2:14) present to judge, the outcome will be another course of #purification by #fire or #darkness . In other words, in the concept of #reincarnation you will be going back to school again and not be partaking of the marriage feast.

Marriage of the Lamb is all about "union" within ourselves. Many hold to the idea that they will somehow be marrying Jesus, but this is not the case at all. He already had His own marriage feast (Wedding at Cana). This marriage is between You (Ego) and Christ-Consciousness taking place WITHIN you before you leave earth.

When we shed this physical body, we take our soul consciousness with us, including all the sentiments and judgements we hold in our consciousness today. That will not be magically changed in the transition, we are here to have our "mind renewed and transformed" preferably before leaving the physicality of our body. Are you preparing to meet the bridegroom, Christ-Consciousness within yourself?

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