ER patient throws cup of urine on officer

2 years ago

0:00 - Body cam 1
11:42 - Shower scene
36:05 - Body cam 2
47:47 - Shower scene
A 58-year-old Ludington man who became an “unruly” patient in the emergency room at Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital threw a cup of urine on a Ludington police officer Tuesday, May 10, shortly after ​8 a.m., according to Cpt. Steve Wietrzykowski of the Ludington Police Department.

“The officer was not injured, but will require follow-up tests to ensure no disease was transmitted to the officer by the man’s urine,” said Cpt. Wietrzykowski. The suspect received a small cut on his torso while resisting arrest and was treated at the ER before he was lodged in the Mason County Jail. He faces a felony charge of assaulting/resisting/obstructing a police officer.
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