Bible Code, Unmasking the Queen of Heaven

2 years ago

Code Table by Janette, Access Term, Queen of Heaven

Terms: Asherah, Babylonian, Ones Kneading, Weeping, Tammuz, Yahuwah Tzevaot, You Are Fallen, Goyim, Being Poured Forth, YHWHY (Palindrome), Rome, Lewdness, The Goddess, Fertile, Pompous, Prostitution, Rebellious, Molech, Lilith, Demons, Virgin, Veneration, Law of Me/My instructions, Pervert/Convert, Profligate/Licentiousness/Rakish, Banquet.

In Jeremiah 7:18 and 44:17 we read about this mysterious woman, for whom the people are engaged in 'kneading dough and baking cakes.'

Please join me look a little at how Pagan Babylonian worship of Ishtar (Easter), Asherah, Astarte came to be worshipped by Christian/Catholic religion as Mary, mother of Jesus. These Pagan female deities / demons (Ishtar, Astarte etc) are actually one single deity known in various countries by various different names. She's thought to be the wife of the false mighty one, Ba'al (LORD in our Bibles). This deity in all nations and tongues is linked to fertility and human/child/blood sacrifice. YaHuWaH warns us through the Scriptures to have nothing to do with these pagan deities!

Exodus 20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
5you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.

Deuteronomy 6: 13“Fear יהוה your Elohim and serve Him, and swear by His Name.
14“Do not go after other mighty ones, the mighty ones of the peoples who are all around you,
15for יהוה your Elohim is a jealous Ěl in your midst, lest the displeasure of יהוה your Elohim burn against you, then He shall destroy you from the face of the earth.
16“Do not try יהוה your Elohim as you tried Him in Massah.
17“Diligently guard the commands of יהוה your Elohim, and His witnesses, and His laws which He has commanded you.

Jeremiah 16: 19 O יהוה, my strength and my stronghold and my refuge, in the day of distress the gentiles shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, “Our fathers have inherited only falsehood, futility, and there is no value in them.”

20 Would a man make mighty ones for himself, which are not mighty ones?

21 “Therefore see, I am causing them to know, this time I cause them to know My hand and My might. And they shall know that My Name is יהוה!”

John 14:15“If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.

John 14: 21“He who possesses My commands and guards them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me shall be loved by My Father, and I shall love him and manifest Myself to him.”

John 15: 10“If you guard My commands, you shall stay in My love, even as I have guarded My Father’s commands and stay in His love.

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Restore All Truth: Isaiah 42:22, Jeremiah 16:19-21, Acts 3:19-21

Music by Alex Dav: Relaxing music | Hang drum | Ambient | 432 Hz | ♬017

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