Soul Speak #48 (Dec 13/20) We've all been MK Ultra Mind Controlled thru Trauma & Rescue Programming

2 years ago

While my #subconscious #mind was #asleep on my pillow this morning... #consciousness emerged from within.
We are living in a giant "MK Ultra" #mindcontrol world. Now before you jump to the 'programmed' conclusions in your mind, hear me out please...
Every single one of us are mind-controlled , yes even the #christian who thinks he/she is " #exposing " things of a #dark nature. Trust me, you are NOT doing any such thing.
You are merely circling within the whirlpools of alternate levels of mind control. It's like a room full of birds and you merely pointing out other birds, not realising you are part of the same room and flock, and you are NOT outside of it.
Now let me try and narrow this down, I am going to be referencing #christianity for the main part, but this applies to ALL #religions , #fraternities , #secretsocieties , anything really that is outside of #yourself and that can be "joined" or "attended" externally .
Christianity is one of the largest "mind control" programs in the world, it covers most of western society and it's the religion I have personal experience with. And I am going to try and peel this onion back to let you see where the #programming began.
For most of our lives we are not actually living #consciously "aware" ( #awake ). Most of you reading this are actually ' #sleepwalking ' and your subconscious mind pilots you safely through your daily routines and programs.
Now here is where it begins, it's almost as if a gene was inserted into our #dna and we operate from a constant state of #fightorflight . And this is predominantly expressed through "wanting to run away from yourself" or wanting to #escape .
In our Christian #culture , we are programmed (implied) basically from birth that we are #bad (#sinners ), we are a #flawed product, and simply #nogood for anything. In fact, if you don't want to #runaway from such a despicable creature, then there is something #wrong with you. And this is where we have all been set up to look for a #remedy or #salvation outside of us. Welcome to the PROGRAM!
You are an incredibly #powerful being, with a capacity to create alternate realities and outcomes for your life. Most of us, with help of the programming manual (#bible ) have actually created our own #saviours , it's also known as creating "altered states of consciousness" or in psychological terms it is referred to as #dissociation .
These are so powerful in that they are genuinely #lifechanging . Most of us will refer to it as "having met Jesus". And we have in fact "met" Jesus on the #psychological plane. It is a #real #phenomenon , but it happens all within the realm of #subconscious mind.
When our sub-conscious psyche creates "Jesus" we are usually #running #away from something unpleasant, some kind of #trauma , or we have been #scared to #death with #hell . This is what #mkultra mind control is based on... trauma which is then overlayed with a specific program.
In the entertainment world, you see a lot of the artists that operate on such a program, and often during #midlifecrisis their "programming" will collapse and we usually read of artists in the news headlines that they had to be admitted to a mental hospital to stabilise them.
It is usually through some kind of #crisis (the #bible #word for #judgement ) that often causes our "Christian" programming to fall apart as well...

Now am I saying that "God does not exist?" No, not at all. What I am saying is that the "psychological construct" of #god or Jesus that was created through personal trauma 'is not God'. It could potentially be a "thought form" that we created, in order to #escape (#deliverance ourselves) from our trauma.

The true form of God, is not a "form" at all... it is unformed "consciousness" or #light (#awareness ) , where we get the term #christ from. And every man is born into this world with that Light or "Christ" within them. It does not require any special #prayers or #believing a certain #creed to partake of it.
Jesus of #nazareth was the first person during that time and culture to carry knowledge (#gnosis , awareness) of this Light within Him, but He was not the only one who would ever possess this. He was the "first" among many brethren... that means there were many to follow who would also come to this awareness of the Light (#divinity ) within them.
He was the #lightoftheworld , but so are you... and you can begin to #shine in this #truth of the "inner kingdom" (where #iam dwells) once you become consciously aware of it.
You never were #unworthy of the #divinenature ; God declared you "very good" from the beginning and that never changed... but the "lie" crept into your mind (#psyche ) and #robbed you of the awareness of your royal #heritage . All of you are #gods , and children of the #MostHigh. John 10:34

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