Soul Speak #47 (Dec 11/20) Has #almightygod concealed Himself in the swaddling clothes of humanity?

2 years ago

It is the #gloryofgod to #𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙡 a matter and the #glory of kings to search it out. Proverbs 25:2
This morning I was awed at the thought of how the Almighty God has "concealed" Himself within the "swaddling clothes" of #fleshandblood aka #humanity , not only in #jesus #christ but all of humanity collectively, in you and in me.
When you consider the definition of swaddling clothes, you will see what I mean. 😮
1 : narrow strips of cloth wrapped around an infant to restrict movement.
2 : limitations or restrictions imposed on the immature or inexperienced.

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