Prepare for War | Part 12 | The Shoes Of The Gospel | Pastor Jason Henderson

4 years ago

Ephesians 6:10-20

The Win Defined: To Stand Firm. ( v.13)

The Weapons Of Our Warfare. (vv. 14-18)

The first 3 pieces of armor you have with you always, the last three you take up and carry.

(Previously: The Belt Of Truth, The Breastplate of Righteousness)

The Shoes of the Gospel

It is the shoes!

Romans soldiers wore shoes that were very much like cleats today.

Near Athens in Greece is a plain called Marathon. It is approximately five miles long and two miles wide. In 590 B.C. the Persian King Darius ordered his generals to enslave the Greek cities of Athens and Eretria. The latter was destroyed, and its inhabitants enslaved. The Persians then landed at Marathon, hoping to do the same to Athens. The Battle of Marathon was a decisive battle, for if the Persians had conquered, Grecian culture might never have blossomed in the world. Against fearful odds the Greeks were victorious.
When the enemy was defeated, Pheidippides, a Greek soldier and courier, ran from the plains of Marathon to Athens, a distance of slightly more than twenty-six miles, to deliver a message to the magistrates. As he delivered his message, he fell over dead. What was his message? That the war was over and victory had been achieved. Today’s marathon race commemorates the faithful soldier who announced the good news of peace.
MacArthur, J. (1992). How to Meet the Enemy (p. 102). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

What Good News of Peace Are We Bringing?

Romans 5:8-11

His Love Was Given Before We Accepted It.

His Love For Us Was Given When We Were At Our Darkest Place

His Love For Us Is Never Based On Our Merits.

His Love For Us Was Demonstrated And Paid For On The Cross.

His Love Brought Reconciliation To Our Relationship With Him.

Q. How Long Will This Relationship Last?

Hebrews 10:14


Your Message Of Peace Brings Hope To The World

Isaiah 52:7

The Good News, IS the Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

Coming up: The Shield of Faith, The Helmet of Salvation, The Sword of the Word, The Communication

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Renewal Church | Pastor Jason Henderson

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