Make the Unique 'Illusiva' Necklace using Recycling and Plant Pods

2 years ago

#plantpods #makeanecklace #craftnecklace #craft #necklace
#slowfashion #handmade #handmadecraft
#RecycleMaterials #fashioninspiration #howtowearanecklace

--Materials: Re-Purposed Large Chain as a Base, Re-Cycled Large Round and Flat Stones and Beads, Plant Pods, Re-Cycled Wooden Beads, Re-Cycled Embellishments, Recycled Chain, Eye Pins
--Tools: Pliers, Jump Ring Opener, Scissors, Craft Glue and Cold Glue Gun with Glue Stick
--Findings: Jump Rings, Re-Cycled Jump Rings
1: Prepare elements
2: Decide what the décor or design to go with, attach the large stones and beads, attach the chain base to the rest of piece
3: Prepare the plant pods with the wood beads and eye pins and use the glue gun, attach the pods to the appropriate chain
4: Finish off embellishments and the rest of necklace
5: Enjoy definitely

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