Gun-free zones create soft targets and endanger the public.

2 years ago

In the wake of recent shootings, the gun debate rages on. And, of course, the cry of the left is always gun control. It is never really striking at the heart of the matter.

There are several issues that continue to lead to mass death and primarily I believe the leading cause is culture. But we can talk about video games, fatherlessness, Hollywood, government instigation (like Eric Holder's Fast and Furious operation), and the list goes on.

But one of the dumbest policies on the books is gun-free zones. In my opinion, teachers and school administrators should be allowed to conceal carry. Put guns on the premise, and the problem is immediately solved. And yes, contrary to the "more guns" mantra of the Left, the answer to gun violence is in fact more guns, meaning, guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

We have to fix this.

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