Isaiah 48:17-19 - Praying it with smoke.

2 years ago

In 2020 I was asked to prepare an advent offering for an online audience, Indigenous style, from a selection of readings. I chose Isaiah 48:17-19. The entire presentation is 4:35

Here is the transcript;
Shalom, thank you for joining me. My name is Sharon Pasula.
First of all,
I acknowledge that for centuries First Peoples were good caretakers of this land now called Canada, only using what they needed. They were not homeless or living in poverty.
First Peoples were generous to newcomers, helping them adjust and live in what was to them a harsh and new reality.

We are going to pray based on Isaiah 48:17-19 using an Indigenous form of prayer called smudging, or simply, ‘praying with smoke’. I will read it first.

Thus says the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go.
If you would hearken to my commandments, your prosperity would be like a river,
and your vindication like the waves of the sea;
Your descendants would be like the sand, and those born of your stock like its grains, Their name never cut off or blotted out from my presence.

(smudge heart) Creator, Thank you for speaking to me, thank you for revealing yourself to me. Thank you for your promises.

(smudge over shoulders) Thank you that you want more for me than I even want for myself. Thank you for leading and guiding me.

(smudge hands) Adonai, cause me to know and do your will,

(smudge eyes) Help me Creator to see your ways in the valley and in the high places

(smudge ears) Help me Great Mystery to hear your still small voice.

smudge mouth) Let my words speak of your love and grace

(smudge nose) Lord, help me to smell the fragrance of your presence at all times.

(smudge up in the air) Cause your light to penetrate the darkness multiplying light and grace.

(Smudge heart again) Thank you that my name is written in your book never to be erased. I commit myself into your hands. In Jesus Name.

Then I sang a chorus called There’s a River of Life, recorded by Broken Walls

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