June 12 2022: The Real Problem

2 years ago

The Real Problem
Pastor Gary Denbow
2 Corinthians 12:12-14

1. The Church was enriched by Paul’s ministry.
• Paul wanted the best for the Church.
• He did not hold back in any way in his service.
• All he did was for edification and strengthening

2. The Church maligned the apostle.
• They accused Paul of being a burden to them.
• Paul responds by asking for proof of their charge.

3. The Real Problem.
- Quarreling, contention - Jealousy, envy
- Outbursts of wrath - Selfish ambition
- Backbiting - Slander, gossip
- Pride, conceit - Tumults
- Fornication - Spiritual defilement

4. The real need in the Church.
• Humility is the key posture to assume with sin issues
• Express Godly sorrow over the choices made.
• Repentance.

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