A TALE OF STARS AND SHADOW indie book review

4 years ago

Set your compass to adventure and let's discover indie authors.
However, before you hoist up your britches, strap on your waders, and harness the gators, grab the scotch but skip the rocks; for, undoubtably, we're daring the quagmire, but don’t you worry it won’t be too dire unless we happen into a fire. So climb aboard, take a seat, dust off your specs and then pour the scotch to brave the untamed jungle of indie books with us.

Author's Goodreads page https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45555280-a-tale-of-stars-and-shadow?from_search=true&from_srp=true&rank=1
Tristen's Goodreads page https://t2m.io/FLhoq8Pc
The Adventure song - Ben Ross. Contact Ben @ themoonrockstudio@gmail.com
Libsyn https://t2m.io/FLCm4L0E
Apple podcast https://t2m.io/nMCPpjir

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