Irelands Dr Fauci accused of Crimes against Humanity.

2 years ago

From Michael @
Luke o'Neill and his fellow co-conspirators - the liars Kingston Mills, and Colum O'Gorman of Amnesty international, and others, were fully challenged at their vaccine propaganda afternoon today at Trinity college's Biomedical building.

The lies were stunning, as was the evasion.

It was made clear to them that we the people consider them to be complicit in mass murder. O'Neill was told to his face that he's a liar. They had no answer to the stats. O'Neills conflicts of interest were exposed.

They were all rattled. Kingston Mills the morlock was furious. Several of them spent their time shaking heads with nothing to back up their points other than mindless platitudes and pats on the back for paddy. They all told several bare faced lies. O Neill made a show of himself responding to a well articulated question relating to masks and peer reviewed science. One surgeon who lied about hospitals being overwhelmed looked genuinely worried when he heard about a freedom of information request that shows there was no overwhelming situation in the hospitals. (Published on site last year). (

There will be some good videos out this week from Irish Inquiry - be sure to share them far and wide.

We almost (almost) have these conmen and women on the run. They will not sleep easy tonight.

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