Surprised by Joy-Part 1, Zechariah, "The Joy of Going to Church"

4 years ago

Our Advent sermon series this year is entitled, “Surprised by Joy.” In this video Pr. Seifferlein will preach on “The Joy of Zechariah – The Joy of Going to Church.” Zechariah was promised joy when the angel Gabriel met him in the temple and told him that his wife would have a child that would prepare the way for Jesus. “You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth.” Luke 1:14 God has a message this Advent that brings joy. It is not the message of joy in self, joy in the world, joy in politics, or joy in the hope of a virus cure. Those joys, if they are joys at all, are short-lived. This month we consider the message of true joy, that for us was born, on that night so long ago, a Savior from sin, death and hell.

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