Bob Woodson: How Americans CAN Overcome Poverty

4 years ago

Elitism, not racism, is the biggest obstacle in overcoming poverty, says Robert Woodson, today’s guest on “The Daily Signal Podcast.” Woodson is founder and president of Woodson Center, a D.C. nonprofit that operated as the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise before a name change in late 2016.

Woodson’s new book “Lessons From the Least of These: The Woodson Principles,” examines what this veteran civil rights leader and locally focused activist describes as the wisdom of “healing agents” who are transforming lives in some of America’s poorest, most toxic neighborhoods. From such leaders, he says, he distilled 10 principles to guide others who wish to help intervene to change the “worst circumstances” of low-income communities.

What kind of strategies have contributed to rehabilitating such neighborhoods? Can some of those strategies or reforms also be applied to healing the nation’s divisions? Woodson fields these and other questions.

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