2 years ago

It seems as if our reliance on the supply of food has made some forget that vegetables and fruit come from soil and soil can be found everywhere from local farms to potted on the balcony of your apartment. Yes we can grow our own food, remember that?! Yes we can hunt game as is the natural order of our food chain. I understand how convenient it is to stop by your local supermarket and pick up some tomatoes, but did you know that you could grow tomatoes both inside and outside your home if your geographical climate isn’t favorable? I know how easy it is to drop by the store and pick up a few steaks, at $25 a pound if you’re lucky, but do you have any idea how long a good sized buck can feed a family of four? If you live in an area, residential or otherwise, that allows you to keep chickens, do you know how many eggs you can get a month to help feed your family? If, in the long run, progress makes us weaker and less able to survive on our own, then I say it isn’t progress at all. Look into supporting your local farms who are more reliable than waiting on that truck to delivery cross country. Look into ways you can realistically provide nourishment for yourself and your family that doesn’t rely on a centralized government that does not prioritize access to the safest, cleanest and most nutrient rich foods. If the last 2 and half years have shown us anything, it’s that we have to take care of ourselves as leadership has abandoned serving the people and decided to serve only themselves.

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