God's Nature - What God Hates

2 years ago

Most Christians know that ‘God is love.” God’s character is one of loving loyalty.
But do we know what God hates?

Jesus in explaining the coming Kingdom of God spoke of a future time when the wheat was to be gathered into the barn. But he also made it clear that the tares, the weeds, would be burned. This analogy of harvest season represented the coming reality. The saints, the sons of the Kingdom would receive a reward for their faithful service to God. But there was also a “reward” for the lawless, those who used deceit and entrapment to lure others away from the perfect law of liberty. Jesus confirmed that there was coming a day of judgment. And the standard of judgment was based on what God loves, and what God hates.

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It is God's spirit that leads us into all truth as we read his word.

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