United Souls Weekly Emuna Class by Eli G on Living Priorities Inspired!

4 years ago

Good Shabbos & #ShabbatShalom with a big #MazelTov from our #EmunaTeam to the Goldsmith family on their Simchat! Emuna is our Future with the Priority Flow! Click, Prioritize & Share on the original link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwWW1vSlRzo&feature=youtu.be

Keeping focused on Priorities during our Emuna Online Tours, Simchas and busy times in life BH is our focus on our #Priority #EmunaFlow together! We shall continue hosting our musical guests before and after #Chanukah time - #MendyWeinreb & #AssafGoren TBC! As discussed in our United Souls book and flow podcast - the values, goals with priorities guide us all during these important times on what's truly important! To be apart of our Joy, Simcha and Journey plz share your #MazelTov and #Flow direct at UnityInspiresProjects@gmail.com!

We welcome setting up meetings direct with Rav Arush by Zoom or Whatsapp & to join our #emunaclasses! Just like Chazaq every night Chanukah, you and your Community can bring Rav Arush to your events via our online #EmunaTour 2020/21! B'H

Q/A direct to Eli.Goldsmith@Breslev.co.il!
#specialupdates TBA - #onlineteaching!

Please click here to partner with us securely and receive Rabbi Arush's blessing - https://www.breslev.co.il/emuna-is-our-future.html!

The first time Eli G is teaching an online interactive learning course for Jeff Pulver and our globally growing community online! Join - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu1058-united-souls-for-a-divisive-generation-tickets-130963273677 - please share on #unitedsouls! Real #inspired answers to the #CoronaChallenge and a #dividedgeneration!

Listen to our #UnitedSoulsCollaborationAlbum #1 - http://sptfy.com/unitedsouls!
Join our #collabalbum #2 #unitedsouls!

Please click on our Midnightrabbi inspired blog http://midnightabbi1eligoldsmith.wordpress.com/inspirations-for-today/ umuse613@gmail.com email here! Your recommendation!

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