#19 Talk with @Oshr Astro Finance | Global Chaos | Solar Eclipse | Predictions for 2020/21

4 years ago

#19 Talk with @Oshr Astro Finance | Global Chaos | Solar Eclipse | Predictions for 2020/21

Apologies for the poor video and poorly synced audio on this one, the connection was poor.

Namaste welcome to shamans shed, today I am talking with Osher from Osher Astro Finance. He is a student of astrology and indeed uses his talent to make sound financial projections. He is a also a youtuber and makes interesting predictions about world events. With the world in chaos we discuss coming events, solar eclipse on 14/12/20 and the meaning of the Great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21/12/20. We welcome osher to the shed.

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Oshr Astro Finance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXTljxfL-yB0PMjEGeDLurQ

#oshrastrofinance #endofacycle, #astrology #thegreatconjunction #shamansshed

00:00 Start
01:07 Osher's Storty
09:02 Osher's personal framework for reading
15:35 The Great Conjunction
58:55 Bitcoin?
01:08:47 Dates of significance

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