[#Covfefe Break] Mayor Hypocrite, Magic Words, and White Privilege

4 years ago

Carter and Keri honor Walter Williams, who passed away this week, by reading several quotes from the prolific and brilliant economist. Next they observe the memory hole into which the obsequious media has thrown the name "Ellen Page," replacing it with the woke actress' new moniker, Elliot Page. Who starred in the movie "Juno" as a pregnant teenage girl? A guy named, "Elliot," don't you remember? Some intermittent frivolity ensues when Keri announces that her pronouns include the phase "your mom."

The two then wonder if there is a French Laundry in Cabo San Lucas as they contemplate the revelation that Austin Mayor Steve Adler was vacationing there while admonishing Austin residents back home to "stay home and be safe." His later apology for "confusing" people with his hypocritical behavior is then treated with all the reverence it deserves.

This sparks a discussion about how the left uses words solely as magic spells for manipulating others, rather than as referents to an objective reality. Finally, Keri and Carter flip through the recently leaked slide deck used to indoctrinate San Diego teachers into the "White Privilege" cult of unearned guilt and leftist activism. Carter provides a rule of thumb to expose their moral code: “You shouldn't be able to sin while in a coma."

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