God's Commandment in the Last Days: The Threshing Floor | Ep24 FBC2 | Grace Road Church

4 years ago

God's Commandment in the Last Days: The Threshing Floor | Ep24 FBC2 | Grace Road Church

Have you been attending church, but have never heard about the threshing floor?

The threshing floor has to do directly with your soul and is being revealed NOW in this age: universal seventh day, universal harvest time.
It is written in Isa 21:10, "O my threshed people, and my afflicted of the threshing floor!" Not only that, it is written in many portions and many ways throughout the Bible.
It is God's commandment and it is the "discipline of God" to save us perfectly in spirit and flesh, which can only be practised IN THE CHURCH - where the TRUTH is proclaimed. We were all spiritually possessed by demons as a result of listening to lies differing from the Bible. We can only fight the spiritual battle while we are physically alive. Thus, we must do the spiritual battle NOW to save souls by turning away from the lies to the Truth! This can only be done by discerning the Truth through the Word of the new covenant, the eternal gospel proclaimed by the Spirit of Truth.

"My sheep hear My voice,
and I know them, and they follow Me"
-John 10:27-

For your own soul's sake,
open up your Bible, follow along, read together,
and see if this message is biblical.
This single clip of the Word of God can save your soul.

We see, hear, understand, believe, and live by the Bible, by the word of the only true living God our Father.
Our mission is to proclaim God's voice to all corners of the world and prepare God's children for the Tribulation and the Second Coming.
God works through people; Jesus Christ and the Spirit of Truth also came in flesh.

For more information:
http://gr-church.org (Grace Road Church)
•Email: graceroadchurchfiji@gmail.com
• Phone: (679) 918-2746
• Address: Grace Road Food Company, Lot 11 Wainidova Road, Navua, P.O. Box 561, Pacific Harbour, Fiji

#lastday #spiritual #discipline #church #truth

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