Love's masterpiece - Christa Lee

4 years ago

Thank you for listening.

One night I was lamenting to God about the hardships that my friends and I struggle over and was crying out to God about it. After I was done complaining I layed my head down on my pillow only to instantly hear this tune and words come pouring into my head. So I sat up and wrote it out. When I finished, tears were streaming down my face. Since that time I have been constantly reminded to be thankful every day for all that I have! Every blessing, even the hardships- for what I can learn from them. It is my challenge now to live in this place! My prayer as you listen is that you will also be inspired to be grateful to God for all that he gives us!

Please be kind as this is my amateur attempt at learning video and audio formatting... I recognize the flaws in this video but I am unable YET to know how to fix. Maybe one day I will. ;)

If you'd like to read more, here is a Link to a recent FB post of a scary event I went through. I was inspired after this accident to share this song with you.

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