Tennis Without A Racket- Forehand & Two Handed Backhand

2 years ago

Welcome to Tennis Without A Racket- Forehand & Two Handed Backhand
Introduction - Hands Up And Step Away From The Racket
This course is designed to help students deal with the anxiety associated with not knowing how to hit a tennis ball properly and the slow process of unlearning other hitting techniques that hamper the generation of a proper tennis stroke. Firstly, a great deal of anxiety is associated with a tennis ball being directed at a new player by tennis instructor. It is difficult for a new player to gauge how fast or when to swing a ball that is hit or thrown to them. It is difficult if that ball must bounce first, and the player must time the swing from behind her body to the point of impact with the ball. Secondly, the new player has experience hitting a baseball or a racquetball. Although the hitting experience is good for the eye hand coordination, it is not useful for tennis hitting. The anxiety of a ball coming toward a student slows the unlearning process. The new student needs to learn the proper tennis strokes, but this process is hampered by the panic associate with seeing the ball come toward him. In panicked state the student uses the hitting technique that is most familiar to her.
The tennis racket is an extension of the hand. It does not feel that way to a new student. This course will help the new student transfer the feeling of her hand into the racket

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