The year 920 - Al-Suli vs Al-Lajlaj

2 years ago

Before modern chess, the rules were a little different.
In this video, I take you through what might be the oldest recorded game ever. Al-Suli and Al-Lajlaj play a game of Shatranj in 920s Baghdad.

Here are the rules:
*) The game is won by checkmate, by capturing all opposing pieces except the enemy King, or by stalemate.
*) The Bishop is replaced by the Elephant, which jumps two squares diagonally.
*) The Queen is replaced by the Advisor, which moves one square diagonally.
*) The Pawn moves only one square. There is no en passant.
*) When the Pawn reaches the last row, it automatically becomes an advisor.
*) No castling.

My source for this game is here:


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