S1E60 When Animals Die.... How To Handle Death On The Homestead

4 years ago

When it is processing time and I post pictures on Facebook or Instagram, one of the things I hear a lot from people is, "I don't know how you can raise animals and then eat them." I see many homesteaders in groups who struggle with the emotions that come from processing animals or losing animals to disease or natural causes.

I have shared with you before some of the emotions that I struggle with. I have told you how it bothers me when I drop animals off to be processed, and how in part that is because I want to be the one to do the deed. I have told you how it bothers me when I dispatch rabbits and chickens and pigs on the homestead. I have also shared with you my firm resolution that the day it no longer bothers me is the day I get rid of my animals.

Unfortunately, sometimes other homesteaders on some of the groups and forums are less than supportive as we deal with these emotions. Sometime we face the wrath of vegans/vegetarians who try to guilt us into not eating meat any longer. Old timers who think we are a wusses for caring. Or those who have belittled us for taking animals to be processed and not doing it ourselves.

I have also seen others who maybe lost an animal to mistake or disease or something else be taken to the woodshed as they wrestled with trying to figure out what went wrong and what they a could do differently. Certainly none of that is helpful when dealing with death on the homestead. So, today's episode is a (hopefully) judgement free zone on how I deal with death on the homestead. Hopefully, this will help you as well.



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