C.P.U / thePowerShift - Important information for all Canadians and Indigenous Peoples, the Canad…

2 years ago

C.P.U / thePowerShift.ca - Important information for all Canadians and Indigenous Peoples, the Canadian Military, The RCMP, The Fed. and Prov. Gov'ts, Municipalities and OTTAWA: Regarding non interference of the peoples of Canada's right to collective self-determination at Parliament Hill on July 30th to August 01, 2022

To both Federal and Provincial Gov'ts, the Canadian Military, The RCMP, Police, Municipalities and the city of OTTAWA: your legal duty is to physically and financially assist us with everything we require from you to achieve our rights to self-determination even during a pandemic. Nothing is to stand in our way. Any infringement of that duty will result in legal action against you under our collective decolonization, self-determination and self governance and including our collective political and civil rights.

This mean that you will also be acting in breach of your self-determination’s obligations to the people.

This right to collective self-determination to be held on July 30th to august 01, 2022 is in reference to the Canada Bill 1982 being the Canadian Constitution 1867-1982 repatriation in self-determination that served to usurp the right of the Canadian and Indigenous Peoples of Canada by our federal and provincial governments, and parliamentarians deciding without our consent to remain under parliamentary democracy without recourse by people to hold any politician accountable to usurpation, infiltration and corruption.

UN: "The obligation to respect and promote the right to self-determination as well as the obligation to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples of this right is an obligation arising under a peremptory norm of general international law’.

Since Canada has previously denied us the jus cogens and erga omnes status of self-determination, the Canadian Peoples Union has moved forward since March 03, 2022 with a formal request to the United Kingdom to finalize the Canada Act 1982 still awaiting repeal in their legislature by placing the Canadian, and Indigenous peoples as the official equal co-owners, shareholders of Canada and being its executive authority over the Crown of Canada, and all of our assets.

Canadians can stand with us in OTTAWA or any Canadian Municipality to express their wishes loud and clear without fear of Government retaliation or municipal or provincial interference.

It's time for Canadians and Indigenous Peoples to get counted and join us at the Parliament July 30 to Aug. 01, 22

If you want your freedom...GET counted as an official equal collective shareholder, co-owners of the Crown of Canada and it's assets with final decision making authority over our Governance by esigning your Convention of Consent and join us on Parliament Hill July 30 to Aug. 01 2022

PLUS: Mega Education Campaign


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