45 Reasons Donald Trump Could Be The Antichrist: Strong Possibility If He Returns To Power

2 years ago

I am not a liberal Trump basher. I am a Christian conservative but I know there will be many coming deceptions. Could Donald Trump actually be the Antichrist? He matches the traits that the bible gives us of the Antichrist exactly, but with only partial fullfillment so far. I admit he is older than I thought the Antichrist would be and I thought the whole world would love the Antichrist from the start, so it didn't make since to me that it was Trump being that so many people hated him. But rereading several verses has shown me I could be wrong. I did suspect Jared Kushner who is very close to Trump and who is still on my radar.

If Trump is reinstated as president for a second term, either from the 2020 election results being overturned, or him winning reelection in 2024, many would see it as a type of second coming of Trump. The first term of his presidency saw him as the suffering servant who was heavily persecuted, while the second term would see him as a roaring lion destroying his enemies. Satan is trying to deceive Christians. The best way for him to do this is to have the Antichrist pretend to be a Christian and to come from the right, not from the left. Please see reason number 28 at the 36 minute and 30 second mark. Imagine how many Christians would be deceived if the Antichrist saved us from the destruction created by the left. The New Apostolic Reformation teaches Christians that they are to take dominion over 7 mountains and that when they do, it will pave the way for the return of Jesus. Trump happens to surround himself with NAR preachers and spiritual advisors.

Many Christians are in love with Trump, but make no mistake, he is not a Christian.

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