The Eagle - Carlos Castaneda Don Juan psychic insight/me rambling: Clarifications in description!

4 years ago

Hopefully I am remembering the information correctly from Carlos Castaneda in his books about Don Juan (if he was really only 1 person). I apologize for my ramblings, I did not preplan anything I was saying here. I must also note that the eagle is more like the universe itself and the white light is not the eagle itself, but it is simply a more concentrated form of the eagles emanations. "The Eagle" is everywhere and everything similar to the universe. In the sense that the center of the universe or the concentration of the universe is not the universe in total - which is everything - The Eagle is similar.
I do not believe everything in the Carlos Castaneda books is the ultimate truth, but I do believe there is some truth and wisdom to everything taught in the books. If you are interested in reading a little bit about "The Eagle" from the book The Eagles Gift, I found this excerpt after doing this reading that I enjoyed reading just now:
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