'Not war in Ukraine, but these 2 grabbing asset managers are causing sky-high inflation'

2 years ago

BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street manage more than $15 trillion in assets. That's more than three times the United States' budget and more than China's GDP, MEP Mislav Kolakusic said in a video message that has been viewed more than 100,000 times in just a few days.

These asset managers have interests in all major pharmaceuticals, media, arms manufacturers and banks. They not only manage almost all major companies, but also the global economy, said the MEP.

This makes them more powerful than any president or prime minister in the world. The fact that we are experiencing skyrocketing inflation, which affects ordinary citizens the most, is not an economic phenomenon, but the result of the insatiable greed of the owners of these asset managers who set prices, Kolakusic argues.

Maybe even just one person
Research any large company and you'll find that BlackRock and Vanguard are among the largest shareholders. The other shareholders are often also in the hands of BlackRock and Vanguard, who are themselves closely intertwined. Behind this colossal vehicle are only a few people, maybe even just one person, says the MEP.

Behind Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube and Google are BlackRock and Vanguard. Behind Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are BlackRock and Vanguard. They have a majority stake in six of the 10 largest pharmaceutical giants. These six companies had combined revenues of $243 billion in 2021.

From wars to pandemics
BlackRock and Vanguard have a majority stake in all companies that have developed vaccines against corona, Kolakusic discovered. The media have also slowly but surely fallen prey to asset managers over the past 30 years.

Such conflicts of interest have led people to massively distrust the media. Hundreds of TV channels spread news made by people who earn billions from, for example, the corona vaccines.

The money always ends up in the same pockets. Renewable energy sources, the food industry, the arms industry, tourism sector, aviation, banking, and so on. It should be clear who rules the world and who makes all the important decisions, from wars to pandemics, concludes the MEP.

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