20 Grams Of Carbs A Day - Keto Meal Ideas #1 #shorts

3 years ago

This video shows one keto meal idea for getting to 20 grams of carbs a day with a combination of low-carb foods. Keeping to 20 grams of carbs or lower almost guarantees ketosis. Adding these carbs to meat can help you achieve and stay in ketosis by providing variety and nutrition. You can split carbs between 2 meals or 3 meals or have them all in one. Staying in ketosis promotes weight loss as ketosis is the fat-burning mode. But 20 grams of carbs a day for ketosis especially promotes fat loss even though the scale may not move because of muscle and bone density gains (if you eat enough protein).

I used low-carb/keto to help me reverse multiple illnesses including type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and IBS. For a full list of health challenges, I reversed or greatly diminished, check out this video: https://youtu.be/Cin5laSHGig

Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional and I am not giving medical advice. Consult a doctor when adopting a new lifestyle change.

I share from my own experience and research to help as many as possible beast back their health.

If you find value in my videos please help me get my videos to more eyes and LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLkBJ0fjXReF58huHX82aVA

*GET YOUR CUSTOM KETO DIET PLAN* and start your journey on Keto by following this link: https://getyourcustomketodietplanhere.com

Do your own research. But you can start by checking out these books by real doctors that have influenced me on my journey:
Lies My Doctor Told Me by Dr. Ken D. Berry -- https://amzn.to/3rJR84z (paid link)
The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung https://amzn.to/3rJzHRs (paid link)

Disclaimer: I am an Amazon and ClickBank affiliate, if you make qualified purchases through some links I will receive a wee commission.

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