Have No Sphere Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men

2 years ago

Jerry Marzinsky
"When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest." ~~ Anonymous



Jerry Marzinsky is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He began his career at Central State Hospital, at the time the largest psychiatric hospital on the planet.

It was there that he first noticed blatant contradictions between what had been taught about schizophrenia by the Ivory Tower and what he was witnessing and learning from schizophrenic his patients.

After leaving the state hospital, Jerry went on to work in various front line mental health settings including state prisons, county and private psychiatric hospitals, mental health centers and hospital emergency rooms. Over the course of his career he questioned scores of schizophrenic patients extracting information about their voices which psychiatry deemed hallucinations unworthy of investigation.

Years of probing resulted in the discovery that not only did these voices run consistently repeatable and predictably negative patterns very different from all other hallucinations, but that it was possible to hold coherent conversations with them apart from the patient.

After years of probing, Jerry determined that not only were the voices not meaningless hallucinations as psychiatry insisted, but they were the very force that drove paranoid schizophrenia. This resulted in a series of trial and error experiments in search of methods to disrupt them.

As increasingly favorable methods were found, a conclusion became clear. If the voices could be silenced by any means for a prolonged time, all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia vanished and the patient returned to normal. This began a search for the most effective methods of disrupting the voices that didn’t rely on psychiatry’s expensive and toxic pharmaceuticals which cured nothing and merely temporarily suppressed psychotic symptoms. Over time, solutions were found which resulted in the complete cure for many cases; a phenomenon the establishment insists doesn’t exist.

Jerry retired as a psychiatric evaluator in 2015 after working psych crisis in hospital emergency rooms for the last ten years of his career. It was only after retiring that he felt free to speak about these findings and challenge the dismal failure of our expensive, pharmaceutically fueled merry go round of a mental health system.

Aside from his adventures on the front line of schizophrenia research, Jerry is a licensed commercial pilot and has been a certified SCUBA diver since 1972. In his spare time, he flies high performance gliders and enjoys cross-country motorcycle trips with friends. He is an avid explorer of nature, non-physical phenomena, and spiritual development. He enjoys travel, hiking, camping, welding, writing, shooting, gardening, and DIY projects.

Jerry has held the position of 2nd Lt. in the Arizona Civil Air Patrol flying search and rescue missions over Arizona for over 23 years. He also served as an Assistant Scout Master and was awarded the State of Arizona Meritorious Service Award for prisoner program development. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program.

Jerry is available for interviews and consults upon request. To request an interview please send a message via the Facebook link at the top right hand corner of his website.
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Engineering Mental Sanity - Jerry Marzinsky




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