Do you see what I see?

2 years ago

Logos as symbols speak indirectly to the subconscious mind and their colors, shapes, images and meanings can influence our thoughts without even being aware of it.

Our planet is shaped by just a small number of elite individuals known as the 'dark cabal,' made up of extremely wealthy families and associates.

They are able to implement their planned secret global domination agenda from the money made through ownership of banks and major corporations.

Thus, in effect, we are living in a corporatocracy, a corporate based run and controlled world: The Presidents and Prime Ministers, i.e. most senior politicians are not in power to serve we-the-people, they are ultimately there to do the deeds for the elite's corporate agenda, which does not have our best interest.

These elite individuals with their plans for global domination meet up in secret societies: Believing in its powers and practices, they are heavily into occultism which can be traced as far back as ancient times and indirectly this is why people in urban environments are bombarded with corporate occult logos.
How many people know about the intended affects of these occult logo symbols on the general public? Basically, corporate occult logos give the elite an opportunity to advertise their insignia, display their occult beliefs and their power and give out a hidden message that goes something in the way of 'we control you and you have no idea of what's going on because you're too stupid to work it out or too blind to see the meaning in these symbolic logos... '

The elite have poured tons of money into producing these symbols from research in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and biology with their affects.

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