Government vs Crypto: The Battle Begins

4 years ago

The inevitable war between government and crypto is getting started.

German Finance Minister on Monday:
“We must do everything possible to make sure the currency monopoly remains in the hands of states.”

The G7 this week: "We want to regulate digital currencies."

European Central Bank President: "Stablecoins threaten monetary sovereignty.”

Between the STABLE Act, which would ensure that only banks could issue stablecoins and would make all others illegal, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s plan to go after crypto, and the French Finance Minister trying to fight anonymous crypto transactions, things are getting heated up.

We’ll get to see if bitcoin and other decentralized innovation can hold their own in an arms race against the most powerful entities in the world.

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Here are a bunch of products I like and use. Using these links helps support the channel and future videos!

Recommended Books:

Permanent Record - Edward Snowden

No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald

What has the government done to our money - Rothbard

Naomi's Privacy Bag: some of my favorite products to help protect your privacy!

Use the Brave browser!

USB-C to ethernet adapter:

Lightening to ethernet adapter:

Faraday bag wallet (signal stopping, to protect your fob, credit card, and phone)

Data Blocker (if you're charging your phone in an unknown port, use this so that no data is transferred)

Computer privacy screen (use your computer in public? Keep your information safe!)

Phone privacy screen (don't let people in public see your private data)

Camera cover (for computers and phones, so no one can access your camera without you knowing)

Privacy Tip: Don't use wifi, and if you must, append the tag ‘_nomap’ or ‘_optout’ to your SSID to stop other websites tracking your location.

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