Int!m!dation Fail. I Ignore Unlawful Orders. Walk Onto Movie Set. Trooper Educated. "Don't Look Up".

4 years ago

This was on Thursday December 7th 2020 at approximately 11:56 just a couple block from Fenway Park. A movie called "Don't Look Up" was being filmed in a local park. I randomly came across this, so I decided to start filming.

This is a Netflix Movie that will be staring Lawrence and DiCaprio, Don’t Look Up will also star Jonah Hill, Himesh Patel, Timothée Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Kid Cudi, Matthew Perry, Cate Blanchett, Rob Morgan, and Meryl Streep. Within seconds I had my first of abour 7 interactions. then the movie set security along with another RSIG Security guard flagged down a state trooper on traffic detail.

I then went over to the main site and started filming, actually on my way over I was already being bothered by another crew memeber. Then I was approached by security and the Park Ranger. Soon after going beyond where theh asked me I was approached aby 3 more people including one of the Assistant directors, Ryan Begley.

Next I had 2 more interactions, one with security and another State Trooper. Me and the Statie had our back and forth. How do you think that went?? I was handing out free educations all afternoon.

Please let me know what you think of the interactions down in the comment section below!!! I truly appreciate all the comments and support!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much Love, Respect and Appreciation!!!

Full Video Of RSIG Security Tough Guy:

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Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio film at South Station for Netflix movie ‘Don’t Look Up’

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