Channel Zer0 - Season 3 - Episode 19: Insurrection Hoax featuring Justin Durand

2 years ago

Did you see the 2 hour circus the other night? E is fired up after watching the prime time show trial and all of the lies just to keep Trump from running for President again. The fake insurrection staged by the intelligence community has already been debunked on so many different levels, yet the charade goes on to continue the brainwashing of the American people, and surprisingly, it is working. And to top it all off the guy who killed the Epstein story from coming out years ago, is behind this as well. But that's why we are here, to expose the lies.

So much has happened since last week:
- more gigantic farm fires knocking out our food supply
- inflation hits record levels
- is the military covering up a nuclear accident in California?
- two more mysterious deaths connected to the Clintons
- the creation of a new cause of death - SADS
- are the Biebs and his wife having serious adverse reactions to the clot shot?
.... but what happened on January 6th is somehow the most important issue...

Don't miss this one, and we'll be back with more early next week...strap in Patriots!

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Check us out on Telegram for links from the episode:
E on Twitter: @channelindigo_
E on GETTR: @ChannelIndigo
E on Parler: @ChannelZer0E
E on TRUTHsocial: @_E_
Zack on Twitter: @ChannelZeroZack
Justin on Twitter: @JustinDurand33
Justin on TRUTHsocial: @golfguyJD

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