Arnold August: Trudeau’s Policy of Collaborating with US against Cuba

2 years ago

Video from Fire This Time Webinar. May 12, 2022 #HandsOffVenezuela #SancionesSonUnCrimen #SanctionsKill
U.S./Canada: Hands Off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! May 12 Picket Action


Three weeks before Biden’s Los Angeles Summit, TCF Contributing Editor Arnold August traced Justin Trudeau’s ongoing policy, using dog-whistle diplomacy, to enable Canada’s new de facto alliance with the Trump/Biden anti-Cuba policy. August boldly spoke out against the mainstream status quo narrative: the false idea that treating Trudeau with kid gloves will leading him to be finally brought to his senses and finally speak out for our friend Cuba against Washington, at a time when Cuba has never been so much under attack. However, the opposite took place: Trudeau became increasingly aggressive against the Cuban government, thus signaling the complete failure of the appeasement policy. This bankrupt conciliatory approach to Trudeau invariable contributed to his outrageous indirect support for Biden’s exclusion of Cuba from the Summit, as August’s June 9th article points out.

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