Faith Over Fear Pt. 5

2 years ago

This week’s TOPIC: Anti-Inflammatory Treatments YOU Control: Foods, OTC supplements, nutraceuticals, lifestyle changes, and osteopathic body therapies.

This week’s Speakers: Nicole Landers, RN, BSN, LNC Director of COVID Care Strategy Team with guests Kathy exercise physiologist and nutrition coach for 25 years in cardiac rehab, cancer treatment, and preventive and climacteric medicine; and Alex, homemaker preparing for chaos with successful family food strategies with home hydroponic gardening options. Naturopathic physician, Dr. John Waterman, will be joining our panel in addition to Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. Preventive and Climacteric Integrative Medicine physician and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation

Our team will be presenting current research-based information on what foods, nutraceuticals, supplements and lifestyle approaches you can use to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress damage caused by many environmental stressors and 5G radiation, and COVID shots. We will be teaching YOU the ACTION STEPS to take now to reduce health damage from all the threats you are hearing about in the media – COVID, monkey pox, Marburg, radiation exposure, plus successful nutritional and supplement strategies to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, strokes, cancers and dementia. There are many approaches YOU can take that reduce the need for expensive prescription medications and reduce your risk of illness. Join us to learn more!

The first hour presentation will be followed by Live Q&A for participants to ask questions. Recording will then be archived on for replay of all our past seminars.

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