Ricky Gervais ‘Slayed The Woke Dragon’ in ‘taboo’ busting special - LOVE IT!

2 years ago

Comedian Ricky Gervais this week “slayed the woke dragon” in a sixty-minute special which tore down one woke taboo after another, Sky News host Rowan Dean says.

If you guys have not seen it yet, it's a MUST SEE! Ricky is on FIRE!
David Chappelle's last standup is fantastic as well, also MUST SEE! ;)

I'm also sick and tried of this bullshit that's happening around us. Hope this is a short lived phase and we get back to normal soon.

I have nothing against anyone who is Trans, LGBTabcdefg+++ but please keep it to your self's. I don't care what floats your boat.

BE YOU, let me be ME! (And leave my children alone!)

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