Change is Possible | Cothran, Darrow, Sullins | Dr J Show ep. 136

2 years ago

This week's Dr. J Show is a preview of the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors with the Change is Possible panel. Panelists include the Reverend Charlene Cothran, Paul Darrow, and Father Paul Sullins, Ph.D. Both Charlene Cothran and Paul Darrow once lived active homosexual lifestyles, but have since changed. Father Paul Sullins, Ph.D. has done several studies on the effects of same-sex parenting. Visit for more information on these speakers.

Charlene Cothran is the founder of the Evidence Ministry, Inc., a ministry of the Zion Baptist Church of Palm Coast in Florida. She is an evangelist, conference speaker and counselor offering biblical solutions to deliverance from same-sex attraction. She also consults organizations working to prevent the so-called sexual rights revolution. Prior to her complete deliverance and transformation from 29+ years of lesbian life, Charlene was a publisher of an internationally distributed gay and lesbian lifestyles magazine, VENUS. Charlene is a former advocate for gay rights and former active member of the following gay and lesbian organizations: Human Rights Campaign, The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, The National Lesbian Conference, The National Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, recruited by the VICTORY Fund and was the co-founder of In the Life Atlanta (Black gay pride). By her new life and work, Charlene offers evidence that God is still in the business of changing lives! She is now a sought-after international evangelist, conference speaker and counselor. She offers expert testimony for legislators fighting for religious freedom in the U.S. and abroad.

The Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Associate of the Ruth Institute. Recently retired as Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C, Dr. Sullins is a leader in the field of research on same-sex parenting and its implications for child development. He has written four books and more than 100 journal articles, research reports, and essays on issues of family, faith, and culture. His reports on clerical sexual abuse have garnered international acclaim. Dr. Sullins continues as Research Professor and Director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research at Catholic University, as well as Director of the Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought. He also serves on the board of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), and the Natural Family Journal. He is a Fellow of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), and was Ignatius Loyola Fellow for Catholic Identity at the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education. Formerly Episcopalian, Dr. Sullins is a married Catholic priest. He earned a Ph.D. at Catholic University in 1997 and taught there from 1998 until his retirement. He and his wife, Patricia, have an inter-racial family of three children, two adopted. He serves as Associate Pastor of the Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist in Hyattsville, MD.

Paul Darrow moved to Manhattan after graduating college and became a pleasure-seeker, an international fashion model, and an atheist. He enthusiastically embraced his addictions and gay identity for several decades. However, a series of grace-filled events turned his life around in amazing ways. His conversion story is so powerful that he was invited to speak at the Angelicum in Rome, where he pleaded with cardinals and other clergy to preserve the current teachings of the Catholic Church on homosexuality. Soon after becoming Catholic, Paul was surprised to find himself filmed as a subject of the award-winning movie Desire of the Everlasting Hills, which has been distributed to the bishops at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He has appeared on EWTN and is a frequent guest on talk radio from coast to coast. He is a member of Courage International and a recipient of its Annual Service Award. Whether giving presentations to high school and college students, clergy and seminarians, teachers, penitentiary inmates, or Catholic groups across the U.S. and in Europe, Paul shares his unusual testimony in order to be a living example that God’s grace is more powerful than even the greatest of human temptations.

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